TODO: prototype number-based pagers TODO tablesorter.html:24, get rid of refresh call - debounced autorefresh in dataview? done: refactor pager, match icon names with method names; fixed styles still open: update pager wiki page to reflect that change (first->start, last->end) done: inifinite scroll paging still open: grid scroll paging done: dataviewlocal still open: wiki page done: units for preloader still open: didn't yet catch any errors, see todo below; use mockjax to mock long running requests done: extract sorting from menugrid still open: figure out what to do with that, move it to grid? impl relies on menugrid being used together, not cool todo: spec dataview's source method, request and response arguments, including page prop on request todo: figure out how to remove the need to set widgetEventPrefix: "dataview" on all dataview extensions, or document that todo: dataviewlocal wiki page, spec, ... todo: make local copy of images of slideshow-local demo todo: cell formatting, see grid-editing/grid.html:43 todo: preloader dataview likely fails when multiple requests run in parallel; could (base) dataview check if source returns a jqXHR, store that and call abort if another request comes in before the previous finished? more or less same as autocomplete does - if that is handled by dataview, would that help in adopting dataview within autocomplete? - do we really need the observable dependency in dataview? could also replicate replaceAll... done: - clean up grid-selectable.html, better styling, deals with array properties - extend helpers/serializeForm to deal with arrays - fix grid-filter to deal with numbers without operand, use == instead of like as default - give each preloader its own cache, no reason to share across instances random todos: - editing/csv-editor, no proper escapaing what does proper csv encoding look like? escape comma? escape quotes? - editing/editor.js: meh, replace with editable no go before that isn't in master? - editing/grid.html: date/time formatting - editing/localstore.js: unbinding? probably more crap in there then just that - editing/todo-app.html: incremental rendering? - spf/autocomple.html: create table on the fly - stashed - spf/grid-plain.html: auto refresh!!1 - spf/products-scrolling: non-document scroll parent not worky - spf/tablesorter.html: same as grid-plain.html, needs auto refresh - ui/grid: - ui/observable: